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Twitter for Boutiques: 101

You’re Facebook savvy, but is Twitter intimidating? Let’s fix that!

Here are some basic Twitter tips in Facebook language to get you started tweeting your way to new sales!

1.  Know the lingo

  • TWEET – a 140 character “status update” shared in real time
  • RT or RETWEET –  “sharing” someone else’s tweet on your own “page” or visa-versa
  • FAVORITE – “liking” someone’s tweet (it’s a little star)
  • #HASHTAG – used to join a conversation or start one. Popular hashtags or conversations are shown as trending on Twitter; makes content searchable
  • DM or DIRECT MESSAGE – A direct (private) message to another user
  • Your Handle – @yourname (ours is @TheBoutiqueHub)
  • Composing a tweet – use this order; content/hashtags/links
  • Tweeting at someone – use this order @handle of who you’re tweeting to/content/hashtags

2.  Shorten your links

So you want to share a link in your tweet – your tweet space is limited so shorten your link by using free sites like to copy and paste your link.

3. Double-Check your profile

You’ve maximized your resources by linking Facebook and Twitter together so your status updates show up as tweets. Great! Now here’s the problem – most boutiques do this and then neglect to check their Twitter profiles. Often the ‘posts’ are too long to tweet, or there are too many photos uploaded, so your tweet ends up reading; “I just posted a photo to Facebook.”

Really – look at your profile (and delete these).

When you post photos on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest and they are linked to Twitter, they don’t appear in timelines as photos attached to your tweets, only as links starting with .fb or .instagram or .pinterest and most often get ignored.

Make an effort to regularly check your Twitter account and let real time tweets and uploaded photos compliment the auto-posted ones. You’ll get more engagement – we promise!

4. When to Tweet

Twitter doesn’t use goofy algorithms to confuse the timeline like Facebook does. Timelines show Tweets in real time, or as the most popular (you get to choose) so there’s no guessing about what users want to see.

Knowing that, it’s important for you to understand what times of day are best to tweet and to do so often since Twitter is the most fast-paced of all social media networks.

5. #HashtagHeadache?

Get to know #Hashtags and join the conversation. Don’t just dig a well by making your own hashtag, join the river by using what’s already popular.

When in doubt – Google it. #ootd #tbt #stylechat #fblogger #bblogger #lblogger #FF and our personal favorite, #BoutiqueLove !

6. Chat It Up

Self promotion gets old. Create conversations or join it. You’re a boutique and you have items for sale (just like 100s of others), but do you tweet about real life events as they happen, like the World Cup,  current news, or the Miss America pageant? What are your followers interested in?

Show the human side of your brand and join in the conversation.

7.  Interaction

Share great content and flatter others at the same time – RT others. Follow inspiring leaders, fashion icons, or magazines and RT relevant content that your users might enjoy, learn from, or be inspired by!

This encourages interaction between you and your followers, and helps new users to discover you.

8. Tweeting about a new product?

Include the name, price, special notes, and link with your tweet. Also remember your hashtag – #ootd (Outfit of the day).

9.   Keep your profile up-to-date

Just like on Facebook, keep your Twitter Header (1500×500 pix), Profile Picture (400×400 pix) and bio up-to-date and eye-catching. Add your website to your bio and URL field to optimize for mobile users.

10. Know your audience

Your Facebook and Twitter followers are likely different. Get to know who your audience is as they follow you. Interact with bloggers (because they LOVE Twitter) and give shout-outs and RT’s as much as possible. Everyone likes to see when they have a new Twitter Notification!

One last tip – Nielson Consumer Survey’s reports the top reasons why people engage with brands on Twitter. Here are a few:

  • To be notified of promotions
  • Because they like the brand
  • Learn about new products
  • Get freebies
  • Take part in competitions
  • Get exclusive content
  • Give feedback
  • Be entertained

Want more to read?

Twitter’s 101 guide

Hubspot Marketing’s 50 Tweetable Twitter Tips

Happy Tweeting!


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