How to plan your day effectively

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How to Plan Your Day Effectively as a Boutique Owner

Being a boutique owner requires a great amount of discipline and balance. Let’s face it, the day never has enough hours, there are always 15 more things to do than time, the balance of work vs home life is not always level, and the to-do list grows while you are asleep! Am I right? So how do we make it all happen? How do we please the customer, order the spring line, get your kid to soccer, not burn the chicken, and learn the newest ISO update all in one day? The recipe is a little balance and a whole lot of discipline! Let’s go over how to plan your day effectively as a boutique owner

Discipline is a mind game of telling your brain exactly what you are going to do! 

For starters, Don’t snooze the alarm! Is that 10 or 20 minutes really going to give you more rested sleep? Instead, consider this, you look at your clock on your way to a meeting and realize you are 20 minutes early. Yay right? Grab some coffee and arrive a bit early. 

So now imagine you are running, literally to that same meeting because you snoozed your alarm for 20 extra minutes. Now you’re racing to get there, adrenaline pumping and you didn’t have time to stop for coffee. Discipline is a mind game of telling your brain exactly what you are going to do!

How to plan your day effectively

Eat breakfast and get your personal stuff done! The morning can make or break your day and this is where the balance comes in. Setting your morning up right can add balance to the rest of your day. 

  • Do that workout for some “you time”. Listen to a podcast while you’re on the treadmill.
  • Eat breakfast and fuel your energy for the day.
  • Do the target run or any other errands you can squeeze in early so it frees up the nighttime.
  • Pay the bills in the morning so it doesn’t loom in your mind all day.
  • Stay away from Social Media! There is no productivity about using social media before you get to work. Knowing what your neighbor Sally did in her garden does not contribute to the balance of your life and after all, this is your life you are trying to balance.

Being disciplined in the morning can bring balance both personally and professionally throughout the day.


Plan your day! Create a game plan that takes the unproductive piddle time out of the day. Start with a list that gives a check to items so you can have a sense of accomplishment as tasks are completed. The Boutique Hub boss planner is a great way to schedule your day and organize your tasks. 

Making a master TO DO list with what needs to be accomplished daily.

Daily Numbers

  • Placing orders
  •  Inventory  Strategy 
  • Paying bills
  • Meetings
  • Posts and content
  • Live selling
  • Style posts and videos
  • Email campaign

Get organized and assign a day it each item:

  • Monday —  Paying bills/ Meetings/ Daily Numbers
  • Tuesday —  Posts and content/Live selling
  • Wednesday– Sale day to move old merch/Inventory Strategy 
  • Thursday — New arrivals/ Live selling
  • Friday — Style posts and videos/ Email campaign
  • Saturday– Daily Numbers/ Placing orders/ live selling
  • Sunday– Prep schedule for two weeks out 
How to plan your day effectively

Be prepared and consistent! Not every task can be completed by you, so do remember to delegate. Delegating takes smaller or bigger tasks off of your plate so you can focus on the most important. If you are the sole owner of your business and do it all, then see if some delegating can be done in your family life. What can your kids do, your hubby or your mom to make off work time easier and more enjoyable for you! The goal always is, balance for a better life and setting some discipline goals and holding yourself accountable creates the balance.
I hope these tips help ease your day and please join us for the next blog of Things that can be delegated.

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