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5 Ways To Maximize Small Business Saturday Cover

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5 Ways to Maximize Small Business Saturday

Episode #230: With Your Host Ashley Alderson, Founder of The Boutique Hub, you will learn how to maximize small business Saturday in your boutique.

>> EPISODE 230 – LISTEN NOW ON iTunes <<
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Today our host Ashley Alderson, founder of The Boutique Hub, does a solo episode on 5 Ways to Maximize Small Business Saturday.  Ashley will be going over topics such as signage, the benefit of swag bags, promotion vs. sale, pop-ups, and lots more! We all know Ashley’s solo episodes are filled with amazing tips and tricks to run your business at full capacity, so don’t miss out!

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Download: 15 Essential Holiday Retail Tips

Use these 15 key strategies to grow your online, pop up or brick and mortar business this season, from running the right promotions, to buying tips and how to get more traffic online!

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Key Points:

  1. Signage is a silent seller all year long, so make sure they are branded well!
  2. Knowing the difference between a sale vs. a promotion.
  3. Small business Saturday is the time to raise your voice and let those around you why they should shop from you, not amazon. 

Favorite Quotes:

“Brand your store using signage and graphics as often as you can.”- Ashley A

Small Business Saturday is your jam. It’s the one day of the year for you, it’s meant to raise your voice for all small businesses, to talk about what it means to be a small business owner, … and to show why you are different and special, why people should shop with you over Amazon. – Ashley A

“For everyone listening, make sure you know the difference between a promotion and a sale.”- Ashley A

Follow Ashley on Instagram at @ajalderson and @theboutiquehub.


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Original Air Date: October 22nd, 2019
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If you enjoyed this article on small business Saturday, make sure to check out these as well.


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