Today our host Ashley Alderson does a Solo episode on Finishing the Year Strong. The end of the year is the perfect time to reflect on how your business is doing and what you can do to make 2020 an even more successful year. Ashley gives us all the strategies to end the year with a bang and get us prepared for the year ahead! Today’s episode will include 3 main focus areas that will help you finish the year strong, tune in to find out all the details!
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- Reflect on how you personally grew this year. Two key questions to ask: What brought me joy? What brought me stress?
- Reflect on last year’s goals and then create the change you want to see in this year’s goals. And get your vision board updated for 2020!
- End of the year = clean up time! This includes your inbox, unused subscriptions, office space, spare room, etc.
“But more so, I focused on how do I want to feel and the impact I want others to feel when they are around me.” -Ashley A.
“That change was monumental for us. So I highly suggest number one, if you don’t have an accountant that acts like a counselor or a consultant that you definitely find one, now! It’s an important relationship to have to grow your business.” -Ashley A.
“Four key areas to think about to close out the year strong; with your team, with your operations, with your financials and reports and finally with your personal goals and vision.”-Ashley A.
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Original Air Date: December 9th, 2019
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