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March Boutique Hot LIst | The Boutique Hub

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The Boutique Hot List | March

If you’re an avid fashion blog reader around the web, you’ve probably realized by now that most fashion how-to’s, must-shops and trend reports focus on fashion from either a high-end designer with pricing we would rarely touch, or pull pieces only from Big Box Retail that mass-produces fashion in a cold retail experience.

But what about boutiques?

Boutiques are the lifeblood of cities around the world, cities of all sizes and locations. Owned and operated by stylish dreamers and entrepreneurs, these quaint shops thrive on helping others look and feel their best, with a personal touch that makes shopping an experience rather than a hunt.

Boutiques are not only the roots of fashion — but they are more than ever the FUTURE.

We’re over the mass quantity. We are tired of being a number. We long to feel special, wanted, needed and appreciated. And thus, we shop boutiques.

This month, we are pioneering a round-up, or Hot List, that can be your go-to each month to discover the best pieces from boutiques around the world.  We’re scrolling Instagram for you to narrow down the best looks, unique boutiques and best buys from all style genres and locations.

Welcome to the Boutique Hot List – March!

That’s a wrap for March, which was your favorite?

Make sure you share the Hot List on Facebook and save it for your late night boutique-cravings all month long. 

Hungry for more? Stay tuned for the April Hot List, we pull just over 100 favorites from 7,000+ boutiques around the world, and we can’t wait to see more!

In the meantime — find a boutique either near you, or by your own style preference, right here on The Boutique Hub.  We are the go-to Hub to find fashion that fits you best!  Shop the site, or get on the list girl, we’ll send you the latest styles, discoveries and boutique deals as we find them! 

Hero image and Hot List image photo credit: The fabulous @nobodysgirlboutique

Cheers ladies,
The Boutique Hub Team


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