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Balancing Motherhood and Business


As summer sweeps us up in its whirlwind of activities—ball games, pool days, and endless sunscreen—it’s easy to feel overwhelmed juggling business and family life. If you’re like me, you’re working hard and trying to be present in every moment, but it often feels like there’s not enough of you to go around. Let’s talk about how to navigate these busy times while staying sane and focused.

Balancing Motherhood and Business

The Myth of the Zero-Sum Game

One of the best pieces of advice I received from my husband is that life and business are not a zero-sum game. What does this mean? It means that just because you’re dedicating 70% of your energy to one area—be it your kids, your business, or anything else—it doesn’t automatically mean you’re neglecting the other areas by 30%. Being great in one aspect of your life doesn’t diminish your capabilities in another.

Embrace the Seasons

I’ve learned that life, much like business, has its seasons. Right now, in the midst of summer, I slow down my work commitments. This means fewer business trips, less travel, and no new projects. Instead, I focus on deepening the existing work and being present with my kids while they’re home for the summer.

Come back-to-school time, the pace will shift again. I’ll dive back into my business, full speed ahead, especially as I gear up for the bustling holiday season. Understanding these seasonal shifts helps in managing expectations and balancing responsibilities.

Juggling Glass and Rubber Balls

Imagine juggling a mix of glass and rubber balls. Glass balls represent your non-negotiables—your family, health, and core commitments—while rubber balls are more flexible, like extra work projects or social obligations. It’s crucial to prioritize and ensure that the glass balls don’t get dropped, even if it means letting a few rubber balls bounce away for a bit.

Navigating Family Expectations

Not everyone may understand the demands of running a business, especially during challenging times. Early in my journey, before the boutique became successful, I faced doubts from family members who didn’t see the vision or understand the sacrifices involved. They questioned my choices and criticized my commitment, but it’s essential to stay focused on your own path and plans.

Communicate and Plan

Having a clear plan and knowing the seasons you’re in will help manage both your business and family life. Communicate these seasons to your family and involve them in your journey. Kids, for example, should understand when you’re in a busy season and when things will ease up.

Remember, time is fleeting, but opportunities to earn money in business are not. Set boundaries where needed, and make space for quality time with your loved ones. Give yourself grace and celebrate your achievements as a high achiever juggling multiple roles.

Final Thoughts

You’re doing an amazing job balancing the demands of motherhood and entrepreneurship. Take a moment to pat yourself on the back and maybe even enjoy a well-deserved treat. You’ve got this, and you’re making a difference both at home and in your business. Thanks for tuning in, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Keep showing up, keep striving, and take care of yourself along the way.

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