Retail Bootcamp Enrollment is open! Join the #1 Program to Scale Your Business!
StateLine_Boutique | The Boutique Hub

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Hub Membership Savings

If you’re a member of The Boutique Hub, you know providing an empowering community atmosphere is what The Hub is known for. Along with getting a boutique bestie, or five, hours of training and unbeatable educational offers, did you know The Hub also offers a multitude of financial perks for its members?

Free shipping on certain brands, discounts on attorney fees, comment-selling platforms, open to buy services, website and e-commerce platforms, office supplies and computer discounts–just to name a few.

We’ve listed just a few of the many offers, some of them brand new, to give you a taste of what The Hub can help your business do!

If you’re a member, you can log in to your Hub dashboard to obtain them. If you’re not a member, you can JOIN anytime!

CommentSold (Comment Selling for Facebook, Live Video, App Building)
– $149 package for only $99 as Hub Member (Saves $50/month).

Hello Bar (Hello Bar, Pop up, exit intent, email collection App)
30 Days FREE for Hub Members.

Sezzle (Reverse layaway for e-commerce stores)  
All Boutique Hub members are eligible for a FREE 30-day trial, plus a reduced rate for all Hub Members.

Webdonewell (web services)
FREE website audit for Hub Members–$197 savings

Inventory Management:
Management One (Merchandised Planning, Open to Buy for Specialty Retail)
– Special pricing

Andrea Sager Law (Specialty templates & legal services for retailers)
– Up to 30% off for Hub members on legal templates.

Office Necessities:
Office Depot or OfficeMax Store
– Perks include better pricing, tools, and solutions.

Dell Computers
– Savings of up to 40% off the everyday price of laptops, desktops, and accessories.

Text Marketing Services:
SenText (Text marketing platform)
– First 3 months free

As mentioned above, these are just a few of the MANY discounts that are available to members of The Boutique Hub. When totaled, Boutique Hub members have access to an annual business savings of nearly $3000, just from the discounts and offers we’ve provided.

New offers are added almost weekly, so many sure you’re checking that Dashboard regularly to see what we’re offering!

We also just unveiled an entire line of Boutique Hub member supplemental insurance policies, (accident, dental, vision and critical care) for you, your family and staff. These plans are exclusive to The Hub and are priced 40% below market value, so you won’t be able to find those deals anywhere else but HERE!

Want to JOIN The Hub? We’ve got you covered, and can’t wait to see you inside our incredible, one-of-a-kind boutique retail community!

See you inside!

Hero Image: StateLine Boutique


Never grow alone. Join the community that gets it.

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