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Building a Brand: Lessons Customer Service, Sales, and Overcoming Challenges


Have you ever been discouraged by tough feedback? Are you overwhelmed by what you don’t know? If so, this episode is for you! Many of you have probably met Lindsey Williams, Owner of Linny Co., at market and know her wonderful brands and style. Well, today, she joins the show to dive into some deeper things that are key parts of the journey to a successful business

Building a Brand: Lessons Customer Service, Sales, and Overcoming Challenges

From Race Cars to Earrings: A Unique Journey

Lindsay’s story is one of the most unique you’ll hear. Before diving into the world of jewelry, she spent nine years as a professional race car driver, starting at just 14 years old. After high school, she took three years off to race professionally before eventually pursuing a political science degree. Her career in political campaigns honed her sales and business skills, which would later prove invaluable.

The Birth of Lenny & Co.

The transition from politics to jewelry came after Lindsay became a mother. Wanting to stay home with her son but still engage in something creative, she began making earrings during nap times. Initially, it was just a hobby, but it quickly gained traction. By January 2021, Lindsay had rebranded her company to Lenny & Co., launching it at a market with overwhelming success.

Facing Challenges and Learning from “No”

Lindsay’s journey wasn’t without its hurdles. An early attempt to pitch her earrings to a well-known boutique ended in rejection. The boutique owner’s frank feedback made Lindsay realize she needed to understand the industry better. This experience led to a complete rebranding and a more strategic approach to pricing and production. Her story underscores the importance of resilience and learning from setbacks.

Scaling Up: From Handmade to Mass Production

Initially, Lindsay handcrafted all her products, which became unsustainable as demand grew. She soon moved to outsourcing parts of the production while maintaining the design work herself. This shift was crucial in meeting the rapid growth of her business and ensuring timely delivery to customers.

Customer Service: The Backbone of Success

Customer service is at the heart of Lenny & Co.’s operations. Lindsay emphasizes the importance of meeting customer needs promptly and efficiently. From offering no-questions-asked replacements to handling customer service with empathy, Lindsay and her husband, Jared, who now works with her, have built a loyal customer base. They understand that excellent customer service can turn a single purchase into a long-term relationship.

Key Lessons for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

  1. Start Simply, Simply Start: Even if you’re a business-minded person, embrace your creativity and take the first step.
  2. Learn from Rejections: Use constructive criticism to improve your business strategy.
  3. Efficient Production: As your business grows, find ways to streamline production to keep up with demand.
  4. Exceptional Customer Service: Handle customer issues with care and promptness to build trust and loyalty.
  5. Sales Strategy: Understand your sales cycle and maintain a consistent presence in your customers’ minds.

The Importance of Charging at Market

Lindsay also shared insights into the importance of charging at market for immediate fulfillment. By ensuring that orders are shipped promptly, she maintains a positive relationship with retailers. This practice, along with efficient order processing using barcoding and scanners, has streamlined her operations and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Lindsay Williams’ journey from race car driving to running a successful jewelry business is a testament to her resilience, adaptability, and business acumen. Her story is a powerful reminder that with the right mindset and strategy, you can turn a simple idea into a thriving enterprise. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or an established business owner, there’s much to learn from Lindsay’s experiences.

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