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Building Extraordinary Wealth

What if I told you that the “think rich to get rich” philosophy would only get you so far in your quest for financial freedom? My guest today is Candy Valentino, a speaker, coach, and long-time business owner. Also the author of Wealth Habits: Six Ordinary Steps to Achieve Extraordinary Financial Freedom, Candy joins the show today to break down the steps to creating life-long wealth that you can start doing today.

Listen in as Candy shares her tips for getting rid of debt, how to live below your means, and where you should start with investing. We also discuss why it is so important to focus on having multiple revenue streams to build life-long wealth (instead of laser-focusing on building a business with one revenue stream) and how to be intentional with your efforts so you can up-level your wealth and finally be financially free.

>>Building Extraordinary Wealth– LISTEN NOW ON iTunes <<
>>Building Extraordinary Wealth– LISTEN NOW ON Spotify <<
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What You’ll Learn From Building Extraordinary Wealth

  • What it means to be wealthy.
  • The importance of getting rid of debt.
  • How to live below your means.
  • The best places to start investing.
  • Tips for building life-long wealth.
  • How to safeguard what you have built.
  • The things that wealthy people have in common.

Resources Featured In This Episode:

Favorite Quotes from Candy Valentino

“No matter where you are in your journey, there is always another level.” – Candy Valentino [2:45]

“We are not a product of our circumstances—we are a product of our choices.” – Candy Valentino [10:45] 

“Distracted focus is going to give you deluded results.” – Candy Valentino [43:15]

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Original Air Date: November 15th, 2022
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