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Thanksgiving Weekend Marketing Playbook

Thanksgiving Weekend Boutique Marketing Playbook

Our Thanksgiving weekend marketing playbook will assure you are prepared ahead of time! After you’ve taken the time to craft great offers, a few simple Facebook posts after Thanksgiving dinner aren’t going to reach your shoppers in time to reel them in! They will already have made up their mind where they want to shop! Use the Thanksgiving Weekend Boutique Marketing Playbook to reach your shoppers.

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Why Boutiques Fail

Ashley Alderson, founder of The Boutique Hub and host of the Boutique Chat Podcast, sets off this second season with a solo episode addressing ways to avoid strategies that are counter-productive for your boutique. Ashley will guide you away from common mistakes and pull you towards reasons boutique

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Authenticity and personalization have allowed independent retailers to quickly come in and fill the gaps, both online and off.

Could This Strategy Have Saved Big Box Retail?

Had big-box retailers owned a crystal ball 24 months ago, perhaps this one strategy could have saved them from a dramatic demise. It’s the strategy that has allowed independent retailers to quickly come in and fill the gaps, both online and off. What’s their secret? Authenticity and personalization.

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Boutique Marketing Content Calendar

Online Traffic For Boutiques

Online Traffic For Boutiques. What’s the number one reason boutiques don’t get enough online traffic? Remember that old adage, “Fail to Plan and you will Plan to Fail”?   Well in terms of marketing, it couldn’t be more spot on!  The biggest fail we see boutique owners make on a daily basis is to have no content or promotional calendars and plans.  Just like eyeliner, they’re winging it.  Social media

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

Twitter for Boutiques: 101

You’re Facebook savvy, but is Twitter intimidating? Let’s fix that! Here are some basic Twitter tips in Facebook language to get you started tweeting your way to new sales! 1.  Know the lingo TWEET – a 140 character “status update” shared in real time RT or RETWEET –  “sharing” someone else’s tweet on your own “page” or visa-versa FAVORITE – “liking” someone’s tweet (it’s a little star) #HASHTAG – used to

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Thanksgiving Weekend Marketing Playbook

Thanksgiving Weekend Boutique Marketing Playbook

Our Thanksgiving weekend marketing playbook will assure you are prepared ahead of time! After you’ve taken the time to craft great offers, a few simple Facebook posts after Thanksgiving dinner aren’t going to reach your shoppers in time to reel them in! They will already have made up their mind where they want to shop! Use the Thanksgiving Weekend Boutique Marketing Playbook to reach your shoppers.

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Why Boutiques Fail

Ashley Alderson, founder of The Boutique Hub and host of the Boutique Chat Podcast, sets off this second season with a solo episode addressing ways to avoid strategies that are counter-productive for your boutique. Ashley will guide you away from common mistakes and pull you towards reasons boutique

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Authenticity and personalization have allowed independent retailers to quickly come in and fill the gaps, both online and off.

Could This Strategy Have Saved Big Box Retail?

Had big-box retailers owned a crystal ball 24 months ago, perhaps this one strategy could have saved them from a dramatic demise. It’s the strategy that has allowed independent retailers to quickly come in and fill the gaps, both online and off. What’s their secret? Authenticity and personalization.

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Boutique Marketing Content Calendar

Online Traffic For Boutiques

Online Traffic For Boutiques. What’s the number one reason boutiques don’t get enough online traffic? Remember that old adage, “Fail to Plan and you will Plan to Fail”?   Well in terms of marketing, it couldn’t be more spot on!  The biggest fail we see boutique owners make on a daily basis is to have no content or promotional calendars and plans.  Just like eyeliner, they’re winging it.  Social media

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

Twitter for Boutiques: 101

You’re Facebook savvy, but is Twitter intimidating? Let’s fix that! Here are some basic Twitter tips in Facebook language to get you started tweeting your way to new sales! 1.  Know the lingo TWEET – a 140 character “status update” shared in real time RT or RETWEET –  “sharing” someone else’s tweet on your own “page” or visa-versa FAVORITE – “liking” someone’s tweet (it’s a little star) #HASHTAG – used to

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