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The Boutique Hub

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Join Us in Las Vegas, August 2017!

Hey baby let’s go to Vegas!

Each February and August we can’t wait to head to Las Vegas for some of the most exciting weeks in Fashion for Boutique Owners!  Will you be joining us this year for Las Vegas Fashion Week to trend spot, shop the shows, network and meet up with other fabulous boutique industry friends from The Boutique Hub?

On Monday, August 14th, we will be speaking at two different events and shows in Vegas, and you are invited to attend both while you shop!  On Tuesday, the 15th, we will be hosting our semi-annual BoutiqueBoss Party (formerly Dinner) with a great new twist!  The Boutique Hub is teaming up with UBM Fashion, the owners of Magic, Coterie, Project and several other New York and Las Vegas shows to host the Boutique Boss Party, a cocktail party at Magic (LVCC) with food, drinks, and a panel of boutique industry owners and experts to talk about the future of retail!  

Check out the full details on upcoming events in Vegas with The Hub to RSVP below:

MONDAY, August 14th:
1:30pm OFFPRICE Show:
Group tour of OFFPRICE Show to find boutique-specific off-price brands.
Location: Sands Expo Center

3pm OFFPRICE Show:
“Gaining Buying Power at Trade Shows” wine & cheese roundtable with Ashley Alderson.
Please RSVP!
Location: Sands Expo Center

5pm Management One & UBM Cocktail Party:
Join Boutique Hub partners and inventory planning experts, Management One for a VIP party and panel discussion and talk on the strategy of ‘Failing Fast’ and it’s importance in retail.  Hosted by CEO Marc Weiss, with The Hub’s Ashley Alderson joining the Industry Experts panel.
Please RSVP!
Location: Mandalay Bay

TUESDAY, August 15th:
5pm #BoutiqueBoss Cocktail Party with UBM:
Gather with the entire Boutique Hub community to network, swap shop stories, discover our brand partners and hear our boutique and industry panel of experts on boutique marketing and business trends for 2018.
Please RSVP!
Location: Club 34 at Las Vegas Convention Center (hosting MAGIC)

#BoutiqueBoss Dinner | The Boutique Hub

Las Vegas Show Schedule:

MAGIC: August 14-16 at Las Vegas Convention Center
PROJECT: August 14-16 at Mandalay Bay Convention Center
STITCH: August 14-16 at Mandalay Bay Convention Center
POOL TRADESHOW: August 14-16 at Mandalay Bay Convention Center
CHILDRENS CLUB: August 14-16 at Las Vegas Convention Center
SOURCING at MAGIC: August 13-16 at Las Vegas Convention Center
For the above shows, follow this link for details. 

OFFPRICE: August 12-15 at The Sands Expo Center
WWIN (Women’s Wear in Nevada): August 14-17 at The Rio Hotel

Will you be joining us in Vegas this August, or in February 2018?

Let us know in the comments below, or over in our groups!

And if this is your first trip to town, or to market, we have a handy blog post to get you started and help you feel comfortable with the shopping mecca. Check it out here “Going to Market: Tips for First Timers

Cheers, see you soon in Las Vegas!

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