Where to find wholesale apparel markets for boutiques in 2021!

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Where to find wholesale apparel markets for boutiques in 2021!

Going to market for your boutique is a critical process for boutique owners! Let’s help you find wholesale apparel markets so you can plan ahead for some of the most important decisions you’ll make all year. To know how to buy wholesale, where to buy wholesale, and how to create buying plans for your boutique business, you’ll be ready for your business to grow this year.

Buying trips at apparel markets are investments worth making, so use these quick tips for success.

Going To Market Tips For Boutiques: 

  1. Know your customer – who are you buying for?

One of the most critical elements of your business success is knowing your customer, their needs, and how to fill them.  Investing in the correct inventory, at the right price points to satisfy the needs of your customers can’t be done if you don’t truly know who he or she really is.  

Customer loyalty starts with having the right inventory that speaks to your customers. Knowing who your customer is and expressing that through your inventory by satisfying their wants, needs, pain points will ultimately increase their loyalty for your store!

2. Train your staff for when you are gone – communicate expectations.

Who are you when I’m not watching?  

Being away from your business is inevitable, hower productivity can’t stop just every time the owner heads off to market!   Making sure your staff is equipped with the proper tools, knowledge, and confidence to run the show while you are away will certainly show in sales as well as customer relations.   It only takes one bad customer experience to lose a shopper for life. Make time to address any concerns or questions your staff might have plus inform them of all promotions, sales, deliveries and responsibilities before you leave.  Confident staff means happy staff, happy staff mean satisfied customers!

3. Come with a budget and buying plan for your boutique.

Inventory should work for you not against you, so it is important to invest wisely!   The number one mistake buyers make at the market is overspending on inventory classifications.  

Be disciplined in your buying, making sure you are investing your allotted budget across the classification that will satisfy the needs of your customers.   Just because you think it is cute isn’t an excuse to invest! Be mindful of your budget and stick to it! This goes for inventory as well as travel and leisure expenses.   Be careful not to get caught in the whirlwind of pretty and fancy things like expensive dinners and limos.

Check with the market you are attending for free meals and transportation, discounts on airlines and motels.  Every penny counts in retail, therefore, be mindful of your budget!

4. Plan your apparel market trips ahead of time.

When will you make trips to market? Use this FREE DOWNLOAD GUIDE with all of the 2021 Wholesale Apparel Market Dates across the United States and around the world, to find the markets that fit you. Rather than traveling to every market, choose where you’ll travel, and where you will make plans to purchase goods in-between seasons online, with a buyer or through your vendor’s Facebook groups or marketplace.

Where to find wholesale apparel markets for boutiques in 2021!

Look for these upcoming wholesale apparel & gift markets:

Atlanta – Atlanta Apparel Market

Dallas – Dallas Market Center

Chicago – Style Maxx

Orlando – WWD MAGIC, Project, WWIN & OffPrice Shows


Knowing which apparel markets fit you best and your travel schedule will help you to find quality brands in person, build vendor relationships and learn new strategies for business and trends for your customers.

Buying for your boutique is a full-time job! Plan your apparel market trips at times that make sense for your overall inventory flow and schedule.

If you’re a Member of The Boutique Hub, one of your membership benefits is access to our Boutique Brands, Vendors, & Designers group on Facebook where you can see a constant stream of wholesale items for boutiques!

If you’re attending a market soon, be sure to take along a copy of our BOUTIQUE HUB MARKET MUST SEE LIST, featuring all of our member brands, and the specials they offer exclusive to our members. Our member brands will also have pink HUB signs for you to quickly spot! If you’re not yet a member, join us here!

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