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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

Grow Your Boutique with Facebook and Instagram

Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat: 6 Video Ideas for Your Boutique If you like to feel comfortable, you’re not going to like this message. It’s not for you. Do you know what happens when we start to feel comfortable in business?  We fail. Staying ahead of the curve and embracing new technology is hard, marketing changes are frustrating, and simply trying to find where to focus your time is exhausting.  But

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Instagram Tips | The Boutique Hub

Grow Your Boutique on Instagram

Boutique Strategy: How to NOT Sweat Instagram’s Algorithm Change. Grow Your Boutique on Instagram As a small business owner using Instagram, you’ve probably been bombarded with news about the upcoming algorithm change. “The death of small businesses on Instagram” they say, or Instagram to be ruined just like Facebook….yes, you’ve heard it all. But the way I see it, it may be a little less dramatic. Here’s the full skinny on Instagram’s

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

Grow Your Boutique With Facebook

7 Facebook Hacks You Haven’t Tried for Organic Reach I’m a glass half full kind of gal, and while I hear the frustrations of Facebook for e-retailers daily, I also have to admit that there’s a fair amount of positives coming from the latest algorithm change. Sure, it’s not easy like it used to be – simply posting a photo, link, and a price description could get you sales daily. Today, in order

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

Social Media Mistakes For Boutique Owners

Social Media Mistakes For Boutique Owners.  As a follower of many boutiques on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., We’ve seen it all when it comes to social media posts – the Good, the Bad, and some that are even a little Ugly.  Let’s make sure you’re setting yourself up for success and not making one of these mistakes. Ready? DON’T forget to include a caption with your photo on Instagram or if

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

The 7 Deadly Sins of Boutique Photography

Have you ever taken a close look at your product photos and compared them to other retail photos and asked – which would I rather buy? A good photo can make or break the sale of a product and ultimately, your bottom line. Taking your time is worth the investment. We’ve seen it all – the good, the bad, and the ugly and if nothing else, make sure you’re not committing

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How To Rock Video For Your Boutique

5 Ways to Rock Video for Your Boutique

Reaching your followers on Facebook, or any social media channel for that matter has become more of a moving target these days. In the world of fast algorithm changes and an ever-declining reach, retail businesses have to carefully craft content to successfully reach their market. To organically reach people in a new way, video is taking over as the most effective organic content medium. Here are the 5 ways you can rock video for your boutique!

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5 Ways To Boost Your Boutique's SEO

5 Foolproof Ways to Boost Your Boutique’s SEO

If you have an e-commerce site for your boutique, chances are SEO is something that get’s pushed to the back burner day after day. After all, it’s not something you can really see or touch – but don’t let that fool you. It’s more important than ever to make sure your site is performing on the ‘back-end’ and getting picked up by search engines as boutique e-retail popularity grows.

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

Build Your Boutique Business By Building Your Facebook Audience

20 Tips to Keep Your Facebook Audience Engaged. Build Your Boutique Business By Building Your Facebook Audience We know, Insert grumpy face here…. Just when you get your groove, it’s time, yet again, to shift your strategy. Facebook may be the most powerful marketing tool you have, even with an algorithm that significantly drops the reach of overly-promotional content by pages. Why the change?  (Hmm, boutiques doing significant business via Facebook

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

Social Commerce For Boutique Owners

The 3 A’s of Dominating Social Commerce.  Why are some boutiques dominating commerce on social media? Well, think of it like this… You’re out with your friends for a night on the town. You’re talking and laughing about old times, the funny things happening in your life today, and consoling each other about the rough stuff.  Social Commerce For Boutique Owners One of your friends casually drops into the conversation

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

Grow Your Boutique with Facebook and Instagram

Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat: 6 Video Ideas for Your Boutique If you like to feel comfortable, you’re not going to like this message. It’s not for you. Do you know what happens when we start to feel comfortable in business?  We fail. Staying ahead of the curve and embracing new technology is hard, marketing changes are frustrating, and simply trying to find where to focus your time is exhausting.  But

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Instagram Tips | The Boutique Hub

Grow Your Boutique on Instagram

Boutique Strategy: How to NOT Sweat Instagram’s Algorithm Change. Grow Your Boutique on Instagram As a small business owner using Instagram, you’ve probably been bombarded with news about the upcoming algorithm change. “The death of small businesses on Instagram” they say, or Instagram to be ruined just like Facebook….yes, you’ve heard it all. But the way I see it, it may be a little less dramatic. Here’s the full skinny on Instagram’s

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

Grow Your Boutique With Facebook

7 Facebook Hacks You Haven’t Tried for Organic Reach I’m a glass half full kind of gal, and while I hear the frustrations of Facebook for e-retailers daily, I also have to admit that there’s a fair amount of positives coming from the latest algorithm change. Sure, it’s not easy like it used to be – simply posting a photo, link, and a price description could get you sales daily. Today, in order

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

Social Media Mistakes For Boutique Owners

Social Media Mistakes For Boutique Owners.  As a follower of many boutiques on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., We’ve seen it all when it comes to social media posts – the Good, the Bad, and some that are even a little Ugly.  Let’s make sure you’re setting yourself up for success and not making one of these mistakes. Ready? DON’T forget to include a caption with your photo on Instagram or if

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

The 7 Deadly Sins of Boutique Photography

Have you ever taken a close look at your product photos and compared them to other retail photos and asked – which would I rather buy? A good photo can make or break the sale of a product and ultimately, your bottom line. Taking your time is worth the investment. We’ve seen it all – the good, the bad, and the ugly and if nothing else, make sure you’re not committing

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How To Rock Video For Your Boutique

5 Ways to Rock Video for Your Boutique

Reaching your followers on Facebook, or any social media channel for that matter has become more of a moving target these days. In the world of fast algorithm changes and an ever-declining reach, retail businesses have to carefully craft content to successfully reach their market. To organically reach people in a new way, video is taking over as the most effective organic content medium. Here are the 5 ways you can rock video for your boutique!

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5 Ways To Boost Your Boutique's SEO

5 Foolproof Ways to Boost Your Boutique’s SEO

If you have an e-commerce site for your boutique, chances are SEO is something that get’s pushed to the back burner day after day. After all, it’s not something you can really see or touch – but don’t let that fool you. It’s more important than ever to make sure your site is performing on the ‘back-end’ and getting picked up by search engines as boutique e-retail popularity grows.

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

Build Your Boutique Business By Building Your Facebook Audience

20 Tips to Keep Your Facebook Audience Engaged. Build Your Boutique Business By Building Your Facebook Audience We know, Insert grumpy face here…. Just when you get your groove, it’s time, yet again, to shift your strategy. Facebook may be the most powerful marketing tool you have, even with an algorithm that significantly drops the reach of overly-promotional content by pages. Why the change?  (Hmm, boutiques doing significant business via Facebook

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Boutique Business Tips | The Boutique Hub

Social Commerce For Boutique Owners

The 3 A’s of Dominating Social Commerce.  Why are some boutiques dominating commerce on social media? Well, think of it like this… You’re out with your friends for a night on the town. You’re talking and laughing about old times, the funny things happening in your life today, and consoling each other about the rough stuff.  Social Commerce For Boutique Owners One of your friends casually drops into the conversation

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